Primarily thought of as a superior foundation or basement technology, integrating VERTICAL ICF Solutions into the entire structure produces a remarkable property faster, greener and smarter.


VERTICAL ICF Solutions unique design combines the best of ICF technology and traditional construction techniques leveraging the Hobbs Vertical ICF Wall Systems. We use the HVICF Wall System for residential and commercial basement, slab-on-grade and multi -story exterior wall applications. The furring assemblies and retainer clips VERTICAL ICF Solutions manufactures are made from 100% recycled post-industrial waste. So you can forget all the trips to the landfill during the manufacturing process. 


Learn Why

Find out why the industry is rapidly moving to the Vertical ICF Wall System vs the Traditional Block method.

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Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can start building faster, greener and smarter by requesting on-site training.

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